Archive for July, 2019

Jul 30 2019

A Dangerous Food Additive To Avoid

Published by under Dr. Salonek,Dr. Smetana

It prevents separation in foods containing milk or chocolate, and improves the texture of not only foods, but also cosmetics and toothpastes, room deodorizers and pesticides. It can be found in cottage cheese, ice cream, puddings, infant formulas, dietetic beverages and low-fat meats and yogurts. Not sure what this dangerous additive is? Watch this video now to find out. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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Jul 23 2019

Losing Belly Fat Is Not Easy

Published by under Dr. Salonek,Dr. Smetana

If your goal is to lose unwanted belly fat, there is no quick & easy way. Spot reducing or trying to target belly fat may not be the best plan. You need to work on losing overall body fat, best achieved with diet & exercise. How long does it take to burn fat? Watch this video to find out. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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Jul 16 2019

The Healing Power of Foods

Published by under Dr. Salonek,Dr. Smetana

With revenues surpassing $324 billion in the anti-aging market, it appears living longer & healthier is a top priority for many. The reality is, to live a longer and better life does not involve magic potions and pharmaceutical drugs. How can food protect your life? Watch this video to find out. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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Jul 09 2019

4 Ways Caffeine Affects Your Health

Published by under Dr. Salonek,Dr. Smetana

Studies suggest approximately 2 cups or less of this widely used stimulant does not pose health risks; however research showcases a number of possible benefits and risks to drinking coffee and/or consuming caffeinated products. Watch this video to learn 4 ways caffeine affects your health. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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Jul 02 2019

Fight Obesity with Chiropractic Care

Published by under Dr. Salonek,Dr. Smetana

Is it really possible that chiropractic care can help people fight obesity? Most people don’t see the connection but if you watch this video, you will be pleasantly surprised just how effective it can be. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.

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