Jun 07 2010

If MDS Were Plumbers

Published by Oak Springs Chiropractic at 8:40 am under HealthNews

Imagine you turn the facet on in your kitchen and discover no water is coming out.  You call your local plumber, who also happens to be an MD for some help.  He comes over to inspect your facet. After running a bunch of expensive tests, he sees that no water is coming out and declares “I have the solution!”  He goes back into his truck, grabs a 5 gallon jug of water, brings it back into the kitchen and declares “here,
now you’ve got the water you asked for…”

You look at him perplexed and retort…“uh, thanks for the water, but I want my facet fixed so I can actually have MY OWN WATER…”  The plumber/MD is confused…  “But I gave you what you wanted… some water, right? When that 5 gallon jug runs out, you can get some more at your local CVS.  I’ll give you a note so you can get it for the REST of YOUR LIFE.”

The argument goes back and forth until you realize this guy is nuts and you’d be better off calling your neighbor who has a knack for fixing stuff like this (he happens to a chiropractor).  Your neighbor comes over and looks over the situation.  After checking things out he traces the actual SOURCE of your water blockage back to the basement (some distance away from the kitchen sink).  He simply removes the clog and voila, you’ve got your own water flowing again!  He passes the 5 gallon jug of water on the floor and chuckles “let me guess, the MD plumber guy?”

Next time an MD offers you a lifetime prescription to solve your health problem, tell him (or her) “thanks, but I want my OWN body to fix it. What can you do about that?”  Don’t settle for the pink note/artificial fix.  Call your neighborhood chiropractor and get to the source of the problem.  You’ll be happy you did in the end.

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