Jul 12 2010

Symptomatic Whack-a-Mole

Published by Oak Springs Chiropractic at 8:47 am under HealthNews

In the carnival game Whack-a-Mole, the object is to use a rubber mallet to hit as many critters as possible
when they pop up in random succession. Trouble is, as you hit one mole, three more pop up and disappear
before you can nail them all. Whack-a-Mole is a perfect example of how doctors medicate Americans today.
As soon as they prescribe one drug, three or more new symptoms pop up that require more drugs. In
fact, many of the drugs doctors prescribe are given to counteract the side effects of ones they already gave.
Sadly in their game, you end up on a ton of different drugs, for a bunch of different problems, with no actual
improvement in your health.
According to Generation Rx, in 2004 the number of prescription drugs used by the average American annually
was twelve. Data from FamiliesUSA.com show the average number of prescriptions taken per senior
citizen grew from 19.6 in 1992 to 28.5 in 2000, an increase of 45 percent. By 2010 the average number
of prescriptions per elderly person is projected to grow to 38.5, an increase of 10 prescriptions or 35 percent
per senior since 2000. Yet despite taking all these drugs, we embarrassingly rank 37th among the world’s
industrial countries when it comes to overall health!
In Chiropractic, health is not defined by how many symptoms you can temporarily ‘whack away’ with
medications, but how well your body can heal and function under its own Power. You have more healing
ability in your little finger than all the drug companies and hospitals in the world put together. Neither big
pharma nor modern medicine believes that, but Chiropractic does. If you maintain a clear nerve system, eat
right and get enough exercise, you’ll stay out of their failing whack-a-symptom game.

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